Bhagawan Sri Satya Sai Baba Degree College
Tadikonda -522 236 Guntur Dt.,
(Managed By His Holiness Sri Jayendrasaraswathi Swamygal Golden Jubilee Chritable Trust, Kanchipuram.)


The college has  one NCC unit of which are is in 33 % of Women’s . The NCC unit of our college has a total of about 50 cadets under various categories from Senior Cadet Officer to  Cadets. Apart from the routine NCC activities, the cadets are also involved in different extension activities and community services.

The college is flexible with regard to attendance for those cadets who are selected for Camps. The NCC Cadets who attend the National Level special camps are recognized during the Annual Prize Distribution function with a certificate of merit. The  NCC wings brought laurels to the college. Good number of Girl students attended National Level Parades. At least 10 students got NCC ‘C’ certificates during Post-NAAC period.